Sunday, February 15th, 2004
Waking Up
The Toronto Star‘s Ben Rayner investigates Canada’s growing ‘coolness’ on the international stage, and wonders about the backlash. And on a related note, I just watched the episode of The West Wing where Donna discovers that she is now a Canadian and they play our national anthem at a state dinner. Really rather absurd, but funny. The ‘shrooms make Aaron Sorkin dig Canada.
Carl Wilson of The Globe & Mail wrote this piece about The Music Gallery, Wavelength and the need for a ‘third place’ hangout in this town.
Cheers to Clay, heading out on a two week tour of the UK with Beneath Augusta alongside A Northern Chorus. If you’re in the UK near one of these dates/places, drop by and check out some Canadian talent. After all – we’re cool right now.
Retrocrush brings you the 50 coolest monkeys of all time. Pleased to see my man Curious George place at a heat-seeking #2. Link from Dirty Monkey Bugspray Fun, who surely rank somewhere from 51-60, along with my pirate monkey robot and Code Monkey t-shirts.
LHB brings you some live videos of Wilco live on Jools Holland.
Congratulations to Stereogum on the occasion of his engagement. On Valentine’s Day no less! Awwwww.
I haven’t mentioned much about my friend in the hospital lately, mainly because there’s been little to report. His body has been stitching itself up over the past three weeks but he’s remained comatose for the duration. On Thursday, however, there was a breakthrough as he began communicating with his hands – one or two fingers for yes or no, giving the thumbs up to friends and flipping his dad the bird. They also moved him out of the ICU into his own room, which I imagine is a much more positive environment. I went down to visit yesteday and while he drifting in and out of sleep while I was there, when told I had stopped by, he turned and looked at me, reached out for my hand and gave me a thumbs up. I can’t explain how good that felt. There’s obviously still so much about his condition that I don’t know or understand, but what I do know is that yesterday, he recognized me and said hello.
2/16/04 10:03 am
Awesome! That’s good to hear.